Precaution: This post contains issues regarding sexual orientation and might contain pictures considered not suitable for the viewing of anyone underage. Parental advisory is required for the viewing of minors below 18 years old.Of course, nobody will check your id for age confirmation, so view it yourself and don't bother your parents as there are no nudity or uncensored HOT GIRLS that interest them. haha...
她实在是让我high了一整天。。。 为何?
Wayne: 之前在miami就有尝试skydiving了,很不错。。
Susanne: 看来你好像很喜欢刺激的活动, 你应该是属于运动型的吧,很喜欢运吗?
Wayne: 还好啦。。。 (暗爽)
拜托,和我熟的人都懂我很少运动啦。。 姐姐,你很给面子,但让我好开心啊。。
去每个地方都会和当地的Hard Rock Cafe合照,算是怪癖吧?
I love the foggy San Francisco.
Not only tools as you can see above, there is a shop in Castro that sells desserts (marshmallow dipped in chocolate) in the shape of a penis with balls. I saw a girl licking it haha... How cool is that..
Staying in the United States for 2 years, celebrating diversity is the biggest lesson I have learned so far. Minority are not deemed to be abnormal or outcast. Those who discriminate against minority based on sexual orientation, religion, or color have to be educated.
爱不分国界,肤色,语言,性别,贫富。 还有,高矮肥瘦,奇形怪状照杀。。。
P/S: 与大众不同,不代表反常,只是每个人都是独一无二的。