Saturday, July 25, 2009

台湾灵异事件 之 面膜幽灵

档案: 面膜幽灵
时间: 7月17日晚上
地点: 台北大安区

档案描述: 尝试台湾面膜(超便宜),两人赴面膜,结果三“人”上镜。 照相机镜头还多了一个。。

Case: Spirit of Mask
Time: July 17, night time
Venue: Daan, Taipei

Description: I tried masks made in Taiwan since they are really cheap. 2 persons doing mask, but 3 'persons' appear on the picture, with the extra one on the camera lens.

P/S: 阿弥陀佛。。。 善哉善哉。。。

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goodbye, Lincoln

I will be flying from Lincoln - Salt Lake City - Los Angeles - Taipei tomorrow.

Last night in Lincoln, a cute recent pic of me and friends. haha.. Oh... I need a haircut.

I have been cleaning my room and packing for 3 days... The longest time I ever used to pack. My room has been so messy these few days, plastic bags and trash were everywhere.

I am gonna miss this place and my room. This is my first individual room ever and I appreciate the privacy and freedom I have in this room so much.

This is my desk... with lots of stuff... CDs (from friends for my birthday), cards on the wall... They were really helpful when I was down or stressed.

My bed with a small cushion from the past. I am leaving the cushion here because I know it's time to move on, whether I want or don't want to...

Shoe boxes I have.. I know it is a lot but it is not because I am a shopaholic. In fact, I need boxes to put the mirror on a higher position so that I can see my face in the mirror (To those who are short, be glad that you don't have this problem...)

So, i bought those shoes for the mirror, not for myself. ;p


秋天, 喜欢在黄昏眺望窗外, 不知地球另一端早晨又怎样呢?


I am gonna miss Lincoln, my room, Lincoln, and the people...
Thank god, I can't believe I survived 2 years here in just a glance.

P/S: Time to move on, wayne wayne ! 把该留下的留下。台湾慧慈,等我啊,yes ok~~~

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

她是快乐的 part 2

This is how free I am while waiting to fly to Taiwan on this coming Wednesday. Oh my god, 我的baby~~~ I gotta admit I am so obsessed of her, 慧慈。。。

祝福教跳舞的danny叔, 早日遇到像慧慈这种学生, 肯定可以让你的教学生涯有更大的突破。

她solo那part的左莲花指,右莲花指实在值得学习。。 哈哈。。


i gotta agree that her studio pics are great. Ok, Sankkk Q ~~~

慧慈 = Tyra Bank? haha... Leumas, you gotta watch this!

那位向慧慈发脾气的大叔实在有够没品, 没礼貌, 而且感觉很幼稚。。。


台湾综艺, 之前有如花, 再来许纯美,现在有慧慈。。

P/S: 台湾慧慈我来啦。。。 来,baby~ 给你亲一个。Yes, ok~~~

Thursday, July 09, 2009


之前都觉得我猜节目方式有点老派, 但这集真的让我从头笑到尾. 以上部分是精华所在.

觉得自己很精明, 对身边人事物都很细心, 但旁人眼光却成了极大的负担, 你快乐吗?
也许大家都觉得她疯疯颠颠的, 但至少她是快乐的

P/S: 笑骂由人, 洒脱地做人...

Thursday, July 02, 2009






P/S: 吃粥吃饭靠你啦.....